About Us
D2 Concept Store is a retailer dedicated to providing high quality fashion merchandise. Since our inception in 2022, we have focused on bringing a unique shopping experience to our customers. We ship clothes, bags and jewelry directly from our warehouse in China, ensuring that each item is carefully selected to meet our strict quality requirements.
We uphold the concept of "high quality, common price", so that you can enjoy the exquisite fashion items at an affordable price. What's more, we promise you free shipping and a convenient shopping experience. Whether you're looking for fashionable clothing, unique bags or fine jewelry, D2 Concept Store is the place to be.
Become a Promoter
All you have to do is register as a user on the site and click on Become a Promoter!
No need, it's free to become a promotional subscriber!
After your referral's first successful order, you will receive RM1 promotion bonus, and from then on, you will receive 5% of his/her total purchases.
Yes, you can withdraw cash to your bank account after RM100, and of course you can also spend at D2 Concept Store website.
Contact Us
Facebook: D2 Concept Store
Instagram: d2concept_my
Tel (MY):
payment method
Malaysia - FPX / Credit Card / Debit Card
Singapore - Credit Card / Debit Card
China-Alipay/WeChat Pay